
Friday, June 27, 2008

MSP=MPS ! ! !

Don't get the idea.... MSP = MPS.....

In today's ITSM, I would say, MSP today can convert their business into MOST PROFITABLE SOLUTION..... u know.. i made it up...just now..couple of minutes ago.... :-P , but its true man, very true. MSPs are popping up like mushroom today and they are making the most of IT.

What do your customer want from you ? - They want the Best from you. They want to make sure their devices are up to date and working to the full potential. Now, thats something you can offer in a jiffy. But not only that, you must give something Extra to your customers.

Normal monitoring tools, give their solution to customers, but you are a ManageEngine customer, give them the EXTRA with ME.

I am doing a Sales Pitch here, but this is just a word of mouth marketing, hey that is also a Marketing strategy. You like someone, tell about them to others. thats fair in love and war, yes this is war. War between competitors, war between MSPs and we (ME) will make sure that you WIN with your customers.

How will you do that ?

Lets say you are buying a House. You buy the furnitures, electronic goods, etc. you want the best, so you go for IKEA. You want a TV, Refrigerator, DVD Player, washing machine. Ok, now comes the tough part, will you buy TV from Samsung, Fridge from Whirlpool, DVD player from SONY or Is it better to buy everything from Samsung itself ? One vendor, you know thats good solution. In this way you get one vendor, huge discounts,good support, easy access to vendor directly.

Then, why do you want to buy multiple products for monitoring, helpdesk, patching, license management ? Are you nuts ? think about the money dude.....

MspCenterPlus offers you everything you need for an MSP environment. Check it out and you'd surely like it.

Look buddy, you are in MSP 2.0 era, and if you don't think and act fast, you are dead dude....your business is out. Think and opt for the best.


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